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How to do a Sun Salutation A

Yoga 101- What is a Sun Salutation A? 

A sun Salutation or Surya Namaskara is a great way to warm up the entire body and start most physical yoga practices.  There are over 20 different variations of sun salutations with modifications to suit the individual. Today I will be explaining how to perform a sun salutation A as it is the most common form of a warm up and it deeply warms and awakens the entire body.

In a group class they help to unify the class as everyone moves and breathes (largely) in unison which gives us a sense of oneness. 

Sun salutations are usually practiced 2-6 times in a row and traditionally practiced in the morning at sunrise stimulating and awakening:- 

·      The digestive system

·      The nervous system 

·      The muscular system 

·      The respiratory system 

·      The endocrine system (controlling the hormones) 

By performing a sun salutation it keeps these systems activated and healthy allowing them to work together to maintain a functioning human body. 

There are 9 poses joined together in a sequence to perform a sun salutation A. Theses are:-

  1. Samasthih ( balanced standing pose) 

  2. Tadasana ( mountain pose) 

  3. Urdva Hasthasana (upward hands pose)

  4. Uttanasana ( Standing Forward Fold)

  5. Ardha Uttanasana (half standing forward bend)

  6. Phalakasana (plank)

  7. Chataranga Dandasana (four limbed staff pose)

  8. Salabasana B (cobra / Urva Muka Svasana (upward facing Dog) 

  9. Adho Muka Svasana (downward facing dog) 


How to do:- 

Starting at the top of the mat feet together bring the hands to the heart centre. 


Inhale and take the arms up and overhead passing through mountain pose to upward hands pose. 


Exhale fold forward to standing forward fold. 


Inhale and extend the heart forward to half standing forward bend. 


Exhale and step the right foot back followed by the left to plank pose.


If you are new to yoga lower through knees, chest chin towards the mat. If you are phsicallly fit and have the strength lower to four limbed staff pose hugging the elbows in towards the ribs. 

Inhale root the palms and lift the chest to cobra pose or swoop through to upward facing dog lifting the knees and thighs away from the mat.


Exhale pass through all fours or directly up and back to downward facing dog. Hold for 5 breaths with a long spine, feet hip width apart and gazing between the toes. 

As your inhale comes step the right foot forward followed by the left to half standing forward bend. 


Exhale fold into uttanasana (forward fold).


Inhale swoop the arms up and overhead to upward hands pose. 


Exhale bring the hands back to the heart centre. 


Repeat with the left leg this time as you step back to plank and forward to half forward fold. Repeat the sun salutation 2-6 times alternating legs. 

Here is a worksheet transitioning through all the steps. Don’t forget to download your worksheet to refer back to whenever you need. 

Happy Sun Saluting!


Sophie .x.