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Spring into the free 5-Day Mission Challenge

Press the reset button on your fitness goals this spring with the 5-Day Mission Challenge!


Ah, spring. A time for rejuvenation, rebirth, renewal, and growth. As the weather and the environment around us enters a state of change and transition, so does our body and mind. Flowers come into bloom, the weather (hopefully) gets warmer, and with it – whether subconsciously or not – we begin to make changes.


We spring clean our homes, change the oil in our cars, and revitalise our wardrobe. So why not revitalise our bodies with the same attention we give other tasks?  


Amid the commotion of rethinking my entire business model during last year’s lockdown, I decided to embark upon a 10-day challenge on a whim. Whether it was something I was doing for my own sanity as a means of coping with pandemic uncertainty, I'll never know. Still, it was a challenge that exploded in ways I'd never imagined, with over one hundred people joining me for the full 10-days.


I presumed that fitness would be the furthest thing from people’s minds as they began adapting to the ‘new normal’, but it transpired that people still needed to exercise their body and mind (or just have an outlet for the frustration of simultaneously trying to hold down a 9-to-5 and home-school at the same time!)


Each day, subscribers received a Mission email that contained a short workout/stretching video and an educational video and a small challenge. Half-way through the ten days, I completed a live workout on the private Facebook page I'd set up specially, and those that completed the entire 10-Day Challenge were entered into a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher.


While this challenge is only for five days, it promises to be bigger and better than ever.

Those signing up for the free 5-Day Challenge will receive a daily live workout or mindset challenge (which will be saved to the private Facebook page for them to complete at a time convenient to them accountability check-ins, and those who successfully complete the challenge will be in with a chance of winning £50 voucher to a restaurant of your choice!


Fitness challenges are a great way to instil good habits into our everyday lives. Sure, this 5-Day Mission Challenge isn’t an instant transformation, nor does it promise to make any tangible change at the end of it. But what it *does* do is lay the foundations for you to be able to invest a little more into your health and fitness.


Our lives are full of deadlines, so it makes sense to add one to our fitness routine. Many people struggle with their inhibitions and insecurities when it comes to joining a gym, and this mindset can create a warped and unhealthy relationship with fitness overall. A short, limited-time challenge can help reset the negative connotations with exercise and working out and assist with retraining the brain to view exercise as something fun, with the added benefit of keeping us fit.


Whether we practise it or not, we all understand the need to live a healthier lifestyle but often lack the accountability to nurture any long-term success. Fitness challenges are a great way to be held accountable. Other people embarking on the same challenge will be rooting for your success and vying for reciprocal motivation.


There’s also the competitive aspect of a challenge, too, which is a reason why workout routines such as CrossFit have become increasingly popular: everyone loves a good competition, and I noticed during last year’s 10-Day Challenge, this type of contest really brings out the best competitive spirit in people! The feeling of going up against other people and having a real shot at becoming the winner of the challenge is thrilling, which explains why so many people were eager to sign up last time!


If you want to join a community of people looking to improve their fitness habits, then sign-up for the FREE Mission 5-Challenge now by visiting the below link! The 5-Day Challenge will run from Monday 5th April until Friday 9th April 2021.

Click here to join the challenge!