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Every Day Stretches

If you’re feeling stiff everyday after a day at the desk you might want to add in some stretches to ease off the tightness and keep those aches, pains and injuries at bay. 

The movement of your body from one point to another is possible because of your joints. If your joints aren’t functioning optimally your ability to move well is compromised.  Unfortunately, this is an area we don’t tend to pay enough attention to until we are injured or sick. 

If you’re sitting all day at the desk and decide to take your body to the gym before or after work asking it to run, jump, twist, turn, push, pull, lift weight aka move without working on your mobility or flexibility soon you will develop an ache which may turn into a twinge and eventually end up in an injury. 

Unexpectedly you now need to take time out of the gym spoiling all those great intentions of improving your health and fitness.   

In case I haven’t convinced you yet here are a few other benefits of mobility and flexibility practice:- 

·      Improved posture 

·      Improved blood flow 

·      Stress reduction 

·      Decreased joint stiffness and chronic pain 

·      Less stiff muscles the following days- Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) 

·      Release of endorphins (the happy hormone making us feel good) 

There’s no better feeling than being healthy, happy and moving freely in the body and sadly a lot of people have never experienced how good the body is supposed to feel.  So here are a few of my everyday stretches to help you feel healthy, happy, stress free with optimal movement in the body! 

I would recommend doing either in the morning when you wake up, in the evening after work but most definitely before and after training. 

Warm up with 2-3 rounds of Sun Salutation A then move on to…

Cat/ cat x 5 rounds – Start on all fours in a tabletop position hands spread wide in line with wrists, elbows and shoulders. Make sure knees are in line with hips. As you inhale lift your sitting bones and chest up towards the celing allowing the belly to come towards the floor arching the spine gazing up. As you exhale round the spine and push the ground away keeping the arms straight.

Cow Pose

Cat Pose

Down Dog – From a table-top position, hands slightly forward with index fingers facing forward, tuck toes under. As you exhale lift your hips high and knees away from the floor. Keep the knees slightly bent and heels away from the floor. Take a deep inhale and as you exhale tr to straighten the legs (but not locking them) and heels move as much as they can towards the floor. Firm the arms and press into the index fingers and allow the shoulder blades to firm and spread across the back. Keep the head between the upper arms not letting it hang. Hold for 5 breaths or 1 minute

Downward Facing Dog Pose

From Downward-Facing Dog exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, making sure your knee is in line with your ankle. Lower your left knee to the floor and, keeping the right knee fixed in place, slide the left back until you feel a comfortable stretch in the left front thigh and groin. Turn the top of your left foot to the floor. If you would like a deeper stretch into the left leg tuck the toes under and lift your back knee. Keeping your hands by your sides or lifting your arms overhead in line with your ears.

Repeat with the left foot forward for the same length of time.

Low Lunge

High Lunge

Forward Fold 

 Stand with the hand on the hips with straight legs (but not locked). Start to bend and hinge forward from the waist keeping a straight spine. As soon as you feel the spine rounding stop inhale and lengthen so you can feel the stretch into the hamstrings rather than the back. 

Half Forward Fold

Quad Stretch  

Stand with both feet onto the floor with good posture. Inhale, shift your weight onto your right foot, and lift your left heel toward your left buttock as you bend the knee. Press the head of your right thigh bone back, deep into the hip joint, and stand strong into the right leg. Hold for 5 breaths and repeat on the left. 

Quadricep Stretch


 Lie facing down on the floor. Stretch your legs back, tops of the feet on the floor. Spread your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Hug the elbows back into your body. Hold the pose anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds, breathing easily. Release back to the floor with an exhalation.

Cobra Pose

Figure 4 

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Cross your right ankle over your left knee and keep your right foot flexed. Bring your left knee toward your chest. Reach your right hand through your legs and interlace your fingers just below the crease of your left knee. Using your arms, pull your left knee toward your chest, pausing when you feel a stretch in your right glute and hip. Hold there for at least five breaths then release and repeat on your left side.

Figure 4 Pose


 Begin on all fours, with your knees directly below your hips, and your hands slightly ahead of your shoulders. Slide your right knee forward in between your hands; at the same time angle your right shin under your torso and bring your right foot to the front of your left knee. The outside of your right shin will now rest on the floor. Slowly slide your left leg back. Lower the outside of your right buttock to the floor. 

Stretch your arms forward. Hold one minute then gentle push up and roll over to the right side. Repeat on the left. 

Pigeon Pose


 Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, Bend your knees, put your feet on the floor, then slide your left foot under your right leg to the outside of your right hip. Lay the outside of the left leg on the floor. Step the right foot over the left leg and stand it on the floor outside your left hip. The right knee will point directly up at the ceiling.

Exhale and twist toward the inside of the right thigh. Press the right hand against the floor just behind your right buttock, and set your left upper arm on the outside of your right thigh near the knee or hug around the front knee. Pull your front torso and inner right thigh snugly together.

Seated Twist

Let me know if you give these stretches a go in the comments below. You can also tag me in your pictures @mission_sophiecampbell on instagram and facebook!

Happy moving and stretching! 


Sophie .x.