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This group coaching program has come about from demand Mission has had on our 1:1 coaching.

Mission 6 is a 6-week programme that combines online education, workouts, nutritional guidance, and weekly progress/webinar updates to not only help you achieve your physical goals but assist in rewiring your mindset to put you in the best place for creating lifelong fitness and wellbeing habits.⁣


What is included?

Nutritional targets

Nutrition calorie and protein targets to hit each week and the reason behind why we have them and why they are important to reach any body compositional goal. An optional 21 day meal plan based on your own personalised targets.

Fitness Workouts 

A structured training programme  via 3 x live video workouts a week, which can be watched at a time that’s convenient to you. Save time slogging away at the gym (30 effective mins 2-3 x per week is all you need to see results) do them live with Sophie so you feel motivated and empowered in your own space. Ideal for shift workers, those who can’t make certain gym class times or those who just want to avoid that co-worker in your leggings!

Yoga and mobility workouts 

Access to a bank of yoga and mobility workouts

Check in

Check in each week to review progress, set goals for the week ahead & make any changes needed

Weekly Q & A

Anything you’re struggling or unsure of you can ask each week at the live Q&A

Weekly Webinars

Week 1 - Welcome and setting up 
Week 2 - Sleep, self care, morning and evening routines
Week 3 - Nutrition and supplements 
Week 4 - Workouts and training optimally
Week 5 - Hierarchy of Fat Loss 
Week 6 - Goal Setting 


Ask any coach or mentor and i’m sure they will agree this the most important aspect to the success of any goal in any area of life. I will keep you accountable to do what you say you’re going to do and if for whatever reason life gets in the way we can figure out how we can get back on track. 

Mission Private Group

Support from an incredible group of women who are all on the same journey to bettering themselves in a motivational and empowering environment. What goes on in the Mission group stays in the Mission Group! 

Access to Mission Membership platform 

Once graduating from Mission 6 you will have the option to join the exclusive Mission membership platform to keep up to date with updated content so you can continue to maintain and practice all you have learnt. Access to Membership is only via Mission 6 or working with Mission 1-1. 

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What Mission Clients Are Saying

“Thank you for everything you have done is the last year. It’s helped me change my whole life”

- Mission Member

“I like the fact that it’s online so I can workout with you. I love the fact that I’m saving time by not leaving the house.”

- Mission Member

“I love that when I’m not working I can tune in to the live workouts and when I am working I can catch up later”

- Mission Member