9 Yoga Poses for Tight Hips

Are you sitting too much throughout the day and finding you have tight hips?  Below are 9 yoga poses for tight hips you can try to lengthen and strengthen your hip flexors. Always warm up first – you can do 2-3 rounds or Sun Salutation A and then hold each of these poses for 5 breaths or 30 seconds. 


Child Pose – Balasana 

balasana child pose .jpg


Low Lunge 

Low Lunge.JPG


High Lunge 

High Lunge.JPG


Quad and Hip Flexor Stretch 

Quad stretch.JPG


Upward Facing Dog 


Wide angle forward fold 

Wide Angle Forward Fold


Figure 4 Stretch 

Figure 4.JPG


Pigeon Pose 



Bridge Pose 

Bridge Pose


Finish with laying on your back for 2-10 minutes with the eyes closed or open to feel the benefits of your practice. 


Happy Hip Stretching!



Sophie .x.