Posts tagged Fitness
Calories In, Calories Out: Is It That Black and White?

When it comes to weight loss, there’s no topic so hotly debated than the old ‘calories in vs calories out’ (CICO) adage. At one end of the argument, nutritional and weight loss advocates typically promote the 'eat less, move more' angle. In contrast, endocrinologists at the other end of the conversation suggest that hormonal issues may be the pesky cause of weight gain.

Understanding CICO is simple: when we consume more energy than we burn, we gain weight, and when we consume less energy than we burn, we lose weight.

It's a fundamental concept in regulating body weight and as close to scientific facts as we can get, so why is the discourse around CICO so volatile?

Here, I attempt to unpack different arguments in the CICO saga, which should hopefully paint a picture that CICO isn't just black and white but a multifaceted, many-layered proposition.

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Green Exercise: Combatting Mental Illness with Fitness and Nature

The conversation around the benefits of fitness and physical activity on our physical health is loud, but the discussion around its positive impact on our mental wellbeing is a much quieter one.

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, #MentalHealthAwarnessWeek is an annual event that provides the whole of the UK with the opportunity to focus on achieving good mental health, and this year’s theme is #ConnectWithNature.

In the Isle of Man, we’re spoiled for nature. How many people on the UK mainland can say they live a stone’s throw from a beach or plantation?

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