Just Launched! Mission E-Books: Nutrition, Recipe, and Mindset Guides

You may have seen from my social channels that I’ve recently launched four e-books on my website, and I couldn’t be happier at how they’ve turned out.

The e-books are the product of months of hard work, collating all the education I’ve amassed since I started Mission, including nutritional guidance, the impact of hormones on our lifestyle choices and energy levels, and habits we can include in our everyday routine to ensure optimum mindset.

Mission Essential Recipe Guide

Mission Essential Recipe Guide

Nutritional advice and meal suggestions are probably the two most regularly asked questions by my clients. Providing hands-on guidance for their fitness and workout goals is what we work on in our sessions, be that on or offline, but it's a little different for the nutritional side of things. Yes, I can give them the knowledge they need to succeed, but if they're at home on their own, I'm not there to physically oversee and champion their decisions.

And that’s how the e-books started life: as a guide and bible for them to make healthy, sustainable food decisions away from the Mission studio.

Most of us know the basic principles of healthy eating: less processed foods, less refined sugar, and more fruits and vegetables. Nutrition is an essential aspect of any healthy lifestyle, and the importance of getting it right cannot be stressed enough.

It’s natural for us to associate weight loss with dieting, but eating a nutritious, balanced diet is really the best way to maintain a healthy weight and sustainably nurture long-term changes when it comes to eating and our relationship around food and our weight.

But managing our weight journey shouldn’t be the sole catalyst for optimising nutrition.

Many chronic diseases (including type-2 diabetes and heart disease) are exacerbated by poor nutrition and obesity, and taking a holistic preventative approach to a nutrition plan helps to reduce our risk of developing other related disorders, such as kidney failure.

Mission Nutrition Essentials

Mission Nutrition Essentials

Each recipe within my e-books follows six principles that work for health and fat loss nutrition, and these principles form the basis of eating in a way that is 100% sustainable. Our immune system requires essential vitamins and minerals to function, and by eating a wholesome and varied diet as outlined in the e-books’ recipes ensures that your immune system works at peak performance, safeguarding itself against illnesses and other immunodeficiency problems.

As outlined earlier, eating well should offer a holistic outcome, promoting excellent physical health and great mental health. Eating the right foods can make us happier, with nutrients such as iron and omega-3 fatty acids helping to boost our mood, which contributes to better overall mental wellbeing.

Healthy eating is all about eating balanced proportions of nutrient-rich foods from a variety of food groups and adopting healthy eating habits to complement these, and the Mission e-book range seeks to arm you with the knowledge and education to make better choices and affect long-term change.

We're busy people by nature. With work, friends, or family commitments, planning meals to meet our nutritional requirements can often be the first to suffer. My e-books – specifically the recipe and nutritional guidance ones – aim to solve this problem quickly by providing you with simple, easy-to-make, timesaving recipes that take into account multiple dietary requirements and that are delicious for the entire family: believe me, I've tried and tested them all!

One of the biggest reasons for yo-yo and fad dieting is lack of variety. Specifically for those who calorie count, we tend to stick to those recipes we know inside out, eating the same foods for each meal, week after week, and this lack of variety can lead to boredom and be the reason our nutrition goals derail.

Mission Guide to Mindset

Mission Guide to Mindset

Similarly, eating the same thing every day means we aren’t challenging our gut microbiome, which assists with immunity and the proper absorption of nutrients. Eating a wide variety of nutritious foods encourages our microbiome to stay fine-tuned and help with detoxification and digestion.

Microbiome health is particularly essential for women, as they require specific nutrients to support their different hormonal stages, including the reproductive cycle, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause.

The Mission Essential Recipe Guide is the most comprehensive collection in my e-book series, with 100 recipes to add to your go-to cooking portfolio that will enable you to learn, cook, and experience the benefits of a nutritionally balanced diet.

To view the full e-book range, visit www.mission.co.com/shop. I absolutely love watching my clients' progress, so if you're cooking a meal from one of the books, then I'd love you to tag me so I can cheer you on! Follow me on Instagram and Facebook, or email sophie@mission.co.com.

Mission 21 Recipe Guide

Mission 21 Recipe Guide