Posts tagged Lunch
Just Launched! Mission E-Books: Nutrition, Recipe, and Mindset Guides

You may have seen from my social channels that I’ve recently launched four e-books on my website, and I couldn’t be happier at how they’ve turned out.

The e-books are the product of months of hard work, collating all the education I’ve amassed since I started Mission, including nutritional guidance, the impact of hormones on our lifestyle choices and energy levels, and habits we can include in our everyday routine to ensure optimum mindset.

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4 Healthy Lunch Ideas That Are Super Simple to Make

To lose weight (and, more importantly, keep it off), it's widely acknowledged that we should be following the 80:20 rule, with 80% being nutrition and 20% exercise. By creating a caloric deficit, we speed up our metabolism through exercise, which can help us to reach our weight loss goals.

Preparing food yourself is ideal, as we can monitor what we're putting in our meals. But sticking to a regimented dietary plan can be difficult, especially during the working week. There are so many temptations in the workplace, be that cupcakes that Karen from accounts has left in the staff room or the ease of nipping out on our lunch break and grabbing something ready-made: the office can be a minefield of decisions that make our relationship with food more stressful.

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