Posts tagged nutrition advisor
Delicious and Nutritious Snack and Smoothie Ideas

Following on from my last blog, I thought I’d put together this handy guide with some delicious smoothie and snack recipes.

Smoothies are a great way to cram a shed load of vitamins and nutrients into one meal and are the perfect breakfast substitute for those busy mornings. They're also ridiculously easy to make: it's usually just a case of whizzing everything together in a blender, and they typically take less than two minutes.

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Super Simple, Super Healthy Breakfast and Dinner Ideas

Back in May, I ran a blog that looked at some healthy lunch ideas that were super simple to make.

It's something I get asked most by clients. Where I provide hands-on guidance for their fitness and workout goals, it's a little different for the nutritional side of things. Yes, I can give them the knowledge they need to succeed, but when they're at home on their own in their kitchen, I'm not physically there to oversee and champion their decisions.

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4 Healthy Lunch Ideas That Are Super Simple to Make

To lose weight (and, more importantly, keep it off), it's widely acknowledged that we should be following the 80:20 rule, with 80% being nutrition and 20% exercise. By creating a caloric deficit, we speed up our metabolism through exercise, which can help us to reach our weight loss goals.

Preparing food yourself is ideal, as we can monitor what we're putting in our meals. But sticking to a regimented dietary plan can be difficult, especially during the working week. There are so many temptations in the workplace, be that cupcakes that Karen from accounts has left in the staff room or the ease of nipping out on our lunch break and grabbing something ready-made: the office can be a minefield of decisions that make our relationship with food more stressful.

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Meet Sophie

I’m Sophie Campbell, a professional dancer, qualified yoga instructor, certified personal trainer, nutrition advisor – and founder of Mission.

Born and raised on the Isle of Man, I’ve been dancing since the age of three. After training locally and winning the inaugural Young Dancer of Mann award in 2007, I decided to follow my heart.

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